May 13, 2013
Watch for hidden salt
Watch for Hidden Salt
Salt may lurk in places where you might not suspect it. Before you know it, you can overdo your salt intake for the day. Some of the top culprits for hidden salt:
- Bread and rolls
- Cold cuts, pizza and poultry
- Snack foods, such as french fries, chips and popcorn
- Condiments like ketchup and BBQ sauce
What you can do
In addition to cutting back on bread and rolls, these tips can help you ease up on salt:
- Look at the labels. Sodium levels often vary widely by brand, so compare labels for the healthier option.
- Choose fresh or frozen. These products are naturally low in sodium. Cut back on processed foods, which often have higher amounts of salt.
- Adjust your taste buds gradually. When dining out, request that your meal be prepared with no salt or less salt. At home, experiment with spices, herbs, garlic and lemon juice instead of salt.
Lifestyles for Healthy Living
Spring 2013/