October 4, 2018
AgencyOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Did you know all people, whether male or female, are born with some breast cells and tissue that have the possibility to develop into cancer? However, breast cancer in men is rare, with only about 2,190 diagnoses each year. For more information about Breast Cancer please visit https://www.nationalbreastcancer.org/what-is-breast-cancer
September 26, 2018
AgencyFood & Water Safety During Power Outage
With the huge storm that rolled through McHenry County yesterday, the question on people’s minds other than “When will my power be restored?” has been “Is my food safe?” “Here” is an article from the FDA that can answer all of your questions.
September 19, 2018
AgencyMedicare Annual Election Period is Around the Corner
September 18, 2018
AgencyDo You have a Home Inventory?
Do you have a home inventory? Why would it be important to have one? After a fire, burglary or another event in which you lost possessions from your home, it may be difficult to remember the details of every one of the belongings that you have accumulated over the years. In this situation, having a current inventory of […]
September 17, 2018
AgencyFall Cleanup & Maintenance for Your Car
It’s hard to believe that this weekend will already be Fall. Everyone starts to prepare their home for Fall, but have you considered fall cleanup & maintenance for your vehicle? “Here” are some excellent tip on how to keep your vehicle in tip top shape for the colder months to come.
September 11, 2018
AgencyLaptop Coverage
Did you know you can purchase a low cost separate policy for laptop coverage to protect you if it is lost or stolen, that wouldn’t go against your homeowners coverage if claimed? This could be the perfect coverage for your child if they are away at College in the event of a break-in at their […]
September 10, 2018
AgencyFall Home Maintenance Tips
Hard to believe in just under 2 weeks Fall will be under way. Have you started to prep your house for the colder weather? Here are some tips on what to check to help protect your home and property in the colder months to come.
September 5, 2018
AgencyWelcome to Our Firm’s Family
Welcome to Our Firm’s Family Here are the new clients that became members of our firms’ family in August. We’d like to welcome you publicly, and wish you all the best! Elise Linker, McHenry IL Royal & Melissa Peter, Huntley IL Matt Bluemke & Amanda Waller, Cary IL Emily Flower & Anthony Lane, DeKalb IL […]
September 4, 2018
AgencyConcussion Awareness
Not only is it that time of year for kids to go back to school, it is also the start up of many sports seasons. Are you aware that an estimated 1.6 to 3.8 million athletes annually suffer concussion, according to the Brain Injury Research Institute. Often, cases are underreported and undiagnosed. A study by the […]
August 30, 2018
AgencyFDA Recalls High Blood Pressure Medicine Hydrochlorothiazide
If you or someone you know is taking medication for High Blood Pressure please check to see if it is the following listed prescription: Bottles of 100 tablets of Hydrochlorothiazide were incorrectly labeled and instead contained 100 25 mg tablets of Spironolactone, a single lot of the drug, PW05264, is being recalled. For the full […]