April 21, 2019
AgencyHappy Easter from Smith & Associates Inc
Enjoy this holiday season of Easter and may the spring bring lot of hope for future!
April 20, 2019
AgencyDo you Rubberneck?
April 19, 2019
AgencyOffice Closed Today
Our Office will be closed today 04/19/2019 for Good Friday, we will be back in the office returning all calls and emails on 04/22/2019.
April 18, 2019
AgencyIs Your Future Teenage Driver Watching?
April 17, 2019
AgencyWhat is Pet Insurance?
Pet health insurance offers policies and options that cover a wide variety of medical expenses: Accidents/injury Illness Hospitalization Emergency vet visits Surgery Vaccinations Annual physicals Flea prevention Dental trauma Some alternative therapies Coverage for accidents and preventive care (if purchased) begins immediately on the plan’s effective date; illnesses and knee/ligament injuries have a 14-day waiting […]
April 17, 2019
AgencyAre You A Spring Weekend Warrior?
Ah, those first warm breezes of spring! Soon even the most devout winter couch potato’s dreams turn from football on television to those long-harbored visions of a major landscaping project or exterior home refresh. It’s not just baseball where spring hopes spring eternal! But sudden activity shifts need to be approached cautiously. “Weekend warrior syndrome” […]
April 16, 2019
AgencyDrowsy Driving is as Dangerous as Drunk Driving
April 15, 2019
AgencyAre Your Employees Driving Distracted?
April 14, 2019
AgencySafeguard Your Business
Safeguard Your Business with a Distracted Driving Policy Employees who drive during the course of their work may also drive up their employer’s risk factors if they fall prey to distractions behind the wheel. The 2017 Travelers Risk Index indicates that 30% of all businesses worry “a great deal” or “some” about distracted driving putting […]
April 7, 2019
AgencyBreaking Up With Distracted Driving
Breaking up with distracted driving Distracted driving is a bad habit, and one worth breaking. It’s dangerous — not only for drivers and their passengers, but also for pedestrians and bicyclists. It can also be deadly. In 2016, 9% of fatal crashes in the U.S. were reported as distracted driving crashes and about 14% involved […]