June 1, 2015
AgencySteps For Juggling Multiple Medications
We take medicines to have a positive effect on our health and they often do. There’s no doubt that modern medicines allow us to live healthier, longer lives. And yet, medicines can also have a downside; especially if you take more than one. Mixed-up Medicines On average, one in five adults ages 65 and older […]
May 28, 2015
AgencyAvoid Outdoor Asthma Triggers
Outdoor allergens increase during the springtime and can have negative effects on your asthma symptoms. Mold spores and pollen (found in blooming flowers) are two common allergens that may trigger asthma flare-ups during this season. These small particles travel through the air and when inhaled can cause allergy symptoms. Tree pollen (in early spring) and […]
April 20, 2015
AgencyLeave Your 13yr Old Home Alone?
Illinois Law states if you leave any child(ren) under the age of 14 home alone for any amount of time you are guilty of neglect and the police can take your child(ren) into custody. Do you agree or is this to harsh? Leave your 13yr old Home Alone?
April 9, 2015
AgencySabra Hummus Recall
If you eat Sabra Hummus please check to see if it is on the recall list for possible Listeria. Sabra Hummus Recall
April 7, 2015
AgencyIllinois Stix 15U Baseball
Smith & Associates is proud to announce we will be sponsoring the Illinois Stix 15U Baseball Team this season, visit our calendar of events for their game schedule. We wish them the Best of Luck! Head Coach: Greg Case Asst Coaches: Bob Trausch & Scott Martini #2 Creighton Dolezal #3 John Klicker #7 Shane Layshock […]
April 7, 2015
AgencyWindow Safety Checklist
8 children under age 5 die each yr from falling out a window. D/L this window safety checklist to prevent accidents: Window Safety Checklist
April 7, 2015
AgencyCary Cruise Nights 2015
Smith & Associates is proud to announce we will be sponsoring the Cary Cruise Nights 2015, check our calendar for Themes.
March 25, 2015
AgencyCyber Security: How safe is your data?
Help secure your Business from cyber threats. https://www.travelers.com/prepare-prevent/protect-your-business/cyber-security/index.aspx
March 24, 2015
AgencyAmy’s Kitchen product recall for Listeria
Amy’s Kitchen products being recalled for possible presence of Listeria, click link for full product listing http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm439397.htm