June 5, 2018
AgencyHow to Pack a Car Safely
As the summer months approach, so too, do thoughts of hitting the road for a family vacation. If you are among those planning to hit the road, remember that safe driving starts before you even leave the driveway. #HowtoPackaCarSafely
June 4, 2018
AgencyHow to Help Trailer, Tow & Launch Your Boat Safely
Making it a priority to inspect and maintain your trailer, secure your vessel for transport, and then tow and launch it safely is as important as following safe boating practices once you are out on the water. Click Here for some tips to help ensure your boating adventures start off without a hitch.
May 31, 2018
AgencyHow to Prep and Open Your Pool for the Summer
Summer will be here in a few short weeks is your pool ready?
May 30, 2018
AgencySpring Driving Tips
Winter may be most known for its treacherous driving conditions, but spring also can be a difficult season for driving. From wind and rain to wildlife emerging from hibernation, spring driving can be challenging in its own right. #SPRINGDRIVINGTIPS
May 29, 2018
AgencyWarmer weather is here to stay, time to bring out the Grill!
You may be the kind of person who fires up the grill all year long at tailgating parties, or maybe you wait for a warm summer day and a backyard full of friends before you put on your apron. Either way, grilling can be one of life’s simple pleasures. Unfortunately, where there is fun there […]
May 23, 2018
AgencyBCBSIL Joins Walgreens® to Expand Safe Medication Disposal Kiosks
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) is joining Walgreens to expand the availability of year-round safe medication disposal kiosks in select Walgreens locations. This effort was announced last year by health care organizations to combat the national opioid abuse crisis. When the expansion is complete, kiosks will be available in approximately 1,500 Walgreens stores nationwide. […]
May 22, 2018
AgencyProtecting Your Home From Lightening
Since most lightning strikes occur during a thunderstorm, you should take the recommended steps to keep safe.
May 21, 2018
AgencyFlood Damage Protection
Did you know your home is 10% more likely to be damaged by water than fire? Click “Here” to learn how to protect your property before, during and after a flood.
May 17, 2018
AgencyHow Can You Protect Your Wedding Day!
Did you know you can insure your wedding? Call Joanna today 847-462-2128 and learn how you can protect your wedding day from the unexpected!
May 16, 2018
AgencyHow to Help Stay Safe While Driving During Tornadoes and Hail
The average hailstorm only lasts five minutes, but the damage can be substantial. Learn what to do if you’re caught in a Tornado or Hail Storm: