2017 BCBS Payments
Jennifer will be on vacation 12/21/2016-01/01/2017 and will be returning on 01/03/2017.
All Blue Cross policies will need to be paid prior to 01/01/2017 for coverage to start on 01/01/2017. If your policy is not paid it will cancel for non-payment and will not be reinstated. You will be required to reapply for coverage from 12/16-01/15, and your new effective date will be 02/01/2017 leaving you with a 30 day gap in coverage.
Here are the convenient ways to make a payment:
1. If you already have an account set up please visit your Blue Access For Members account and look for the Billing and Payment section. New members may also create your account with this link; fyi you will need your new insurance card information to register the account.
2. Call BCBSIL Customer Service 800-538-8833 and select make a payment from the existing member options to pay by debit card, check or set up a reoccurring electronic funds transfer (EFT). If you do not have your policy number yet you will need to speak to a representative before attempting to make a payment. If you were already a BCBS member and picked a new plan for 2017 your new plan will use your prior plans policy number; only the group number will change.